WRR: Your On-Demand Community of Independent Marketing Experts
Grow, Connect, and Succeed: Your Exclusive Marketing Hub for Comprehensive Strategies, Innovative Solutions, and Unmatched Expert Support in Today’s Competitive Landscape
UI/UX, Development
WRR is a community of independent marketing experts, available on-demand to augment, complement, backfill, or accelerate the in-house teams and capabilities of Fortune 500 brands and agencies with a flexible layer of highly skilled, highly diverse talent. WRR is a flexible talent solution for marketing and advertising.
Stills. Images
Improve the Rosie experience when visiting the Garden by supporting SSO
Improve the Rosie experience when visiting the Garden by supporting SSO and a centralized profile of data. Provide Rosies with a personalized space where the Rosie can access (and edit) his profile, view open opportunities, is able to apply to an opportunity and track application status. Make WRR Garden an exclusive experience only accessible to those who are in our community.